C programming

C programming short notes

Precedence and Associativiy

Use PUMA' S REBL TAC. ( spell "REBL" as if "REBEL").

(Note: all operators with associativity not specified is left to right).

P - Primary

U - Unary

M - Multiplicative

A - Additive

S- Shift

R- Relational

E- Equality

B- BitWise ( & > ^ > |)

L- Logical ( logical && > logical ||)

and the last three operators are

T- Ternary

A- Assignment

C- Comma

If you need a shortcut for Assosiativity then "AUTo rides in the right side", meaning Assignment, Unary and Ternary operators are Right to Left, O is added for completion)

printf format specifiers


volatile , const , restrict(C99)

Function recursion

a function that calls itself : example fib(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)

remeber space-time tradeoff , thabove algorith is not saving time but space in memory(ram)

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