📈UART Protocol

Notes on USART/UART protocol


  • Async protocol , uses same baudrate beteween devices to communicate

  • Its just converting parallel data into a serial format

  • data frame has a start, data, parity , stop bits

  • low speed communication usually used for getting debugging info or simple communication

Configuration / Connection

  • RX and TX pins are used to connect

  • If Hardware flow control is present RTS and CTS pins will be required as well. ( Request to Send and Clear to Send).


  • Data frame constitutes a start bit + data(8 or 9 bits) + parity bit and finally stop bit (1 or 2 bits)

  • even parity vs odd parity : In even parity the number of 1s is always even including parity bit whereas in odd parity number of 1s is odd including the parity bit.

Usage and limitations

  • Used for short distance communication or slower communication

  • can be seen used for debugging devices


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